St. George is known as "Utah's Dixie" because of its temperate climate. Mild winters make it ideal for golf year-round - 10 of Utah's best courses are located there! The city is the business and cultural center for SW Utah, and is a major gateway to nearby Zion National Park.
Top Ten things to do in St. George
#1- National Parks
St George is a convenient gateway to Zion National Park, and to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. It is also within easy driving distance of Bryce Canyon National Park and Cedar Breaks National Monument. The city makes a great base came for day trips to any of these areas, or a good starting point for national park excursions.
2#- Golf
St George is Utah's golf capital. Weather is mild during winter and so golf is enjoyable year-round. As a result, some of the best courses in the southwestern US can be found here. For example, Golf Digest recently ranked The Ledges Golf Course at number 5 for best new public golf courses with green fees of $75 and above.
The St George courses are all unique, set against red canyon walls and black lava rock. Many have outstanding views of red rock desert country; some offer views that extend over towards Zion National Park. Below we give details about each course.
#3- State Parks
Several very popular Utah state parks are located in the St George area. Because of the area's mild climate, many outdoor activities are popular year-round at these parks.
Sand Hollow is Utah's newest state park, and already one of the most popular. It offers a reservoir for boating, water sports and fishing, sandy beaches, a very nice picnic area and campground, plus and sand dunes where you can ride ATVs.
Snow Canyon offers beautiful red rock scenery, hiking trails, a sand dune, campground and picnic area.
Quail Creek has a reservoir that is popular for boating, water sports and fishing. It has a nice campground and picnic area.
Gunlock State Park includes a reservoir for boating, water sports and fishing, and an area for primitive camping
#4- Events
#5- Tuacahn
"Tuacahn" comes from a Mayan word meaning "Canyon of the Gods." Built in the shadow of 1500-foot spectacular red rock cliffs, the Tuacahn Amphitheatre and Center for the Arts was created to awaken the nobility of the human soul and transmit light and hope to people everywhere through the arts and education.
Related Articles The Tuacahn Theatre brings "Broadway in the Desert" to southern Utah! Throughout the warm months, this theatre company features Utah's finest actors (new and seasoned), in some of Broadway's greatest productions! The intimate, outdoor theatre is always enhanced by the brilliant, natural redrock backdrop. A night out at Tuacahn is a night not soon forgotten! Click for this year's production schedule.
Orval Hafen was awestruck upon first seeing the area that is now home to the Tuacahn Center for the Arts. He and his wife, Ruth, bought an eighty-acre parcel in the box canyon and built a cabin, the remnants of which can still be seen behind the Tuacahn High School for the Performing Arts. He desired that others might one day share this beauty.
Doug Stewart, noted playwright and St. George resident, shared Hafen¹s vision. He had been hiking through southwestern Utah in search of a suitable location for an outdoor theatre, when he spied the spot that was once Orval Hafen's cabin. The plan was more than ambitious. Stewart planned to build a 42,000 square foot facility featuring a 330 seat indoor theater, a dance studio, a black-box theater, a recital hall, a costume shop and scene shop, studios and classrooms, and a gift shop, all of which were built to complement the jewel of Tuacahn - a 1920-seat outdoor amphitheatre, which was designed as the home of the original musical Utah! The grounds were landscaped to compliment the magnificence of the surrounding canyon.
Tuacahn Utah! ran for four seasons and was attended by over 250,000 patrons. However, in 1999, it became clear that Tuacahn needed to shift its strategy and pursue a new direction. Ironically, "something new" came in the form of two musicals that have been performed throughout the state for years. Instead of offering just one production for summer patrons, Tuacahn created their first "Summer Festival of Theatre," which featured a double bill of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat and Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. The shows ran from mid-June to Labor Day weekend, and the amphitheatre found itself in the enviable position of dealing with huge crowds and sold-out houses. Over 100,000 people from every state in the Union and twenty-five countries attended the festival's 70 performances.
The changes at Tuacahn weren't limited to the summer shows, either. On August 22, 1999, Tuacahn began operation of the Tuacahn High School for the Performing Arts. The first charter school in the state of Utah, Tuacahn High School is a fully-accredited college preparatory high school with an emphasis on singing, dancing, acting, and instrumental performance.
Today, Tuacahn continues to thrill audiences with Utah's greatest productions. New performances, actors, and surprises await theatre-goers each year.
For those who have enjoyed this facility, Tuacahn has fulfilled the vision that left Orval Hafen awestruck over a century ago. It continues to grow and to thrive, as "others share this beauty and drink of the inspiration that is here."
#6- Dinosaur Walkways
The St. George Dinosaur Discovery Site at Johnson Farm displays some of the oldest and best-preserved tracks in the world. Dinosaur tracks were discovered on the farm in February, 2000, and it has become quite an attraction. The site is in the early stages of scientific study - so far more than 1,000 tracks have been found within a 10-acre area. Most were made by Dilophosaurus-like creatures and are three-toed, 13-18 inches long. There are also some smaller tracks and researchers have identified skin prints and impressions made by tail drags and swimming movements.
The tracks were found in large slabs of sandstone from the Moenave Formation, dating back some 205 million years to the beginning of the dinosaur era. Residents tromped over that very sandstone for years, never realizing it sheltered such treasures. Nobody knew, until Dr. Sheldon Johnson flipped over a slab while trying to level his land. There, on the underside, the tracks were clearly visible.
Most of the tracks are actually "negative impression" casts that appear as bumps on the stone. The area was the bottom of an ancient freshwater lake in the center of the super-continent Pangea. Footprints left in the mud filled with silt and sand, and more sand was deposited over the top. The mixture eventually solidified into sandstone and mudstone, forming the casts. Now, when the slabs are flipped over, the casts appear, much like Jell-O popping out of a mold.
Dr. Johnson donated his land to the city of St. George and the U.S. Congress recently appropriated funds to help construct a science and visitor center. Volunteers do most of the work at the site.
Small groups can just show up during open hours. Larger groups should schedule a tour.
#7- Spa Resorts
With sunshine, incredible natural beauty and a reputation as an outdoor mecca, it was only natural for quality spa resorts to spring up around St George. Below we list some of the best.
#8- Pine Valley Mountains
The Pine Valley Mountains are the high, forested mountains located north of I-15 between St George and Cedar City. The highest point is Signal Peak, at 10,325 feet. The mountains offer great opportunity to hike, backpack, camp, fish, hunt and enjoy other outdoor sports.
The mountains are a lush green haven towering above the red rock desert. The high peaks are included in a federally protected wilderness area. A cluster of campgrounds can be found on the north side of the peaks, around the town of Pine Valley. A small reservoir in that area offers canoeing and fishing opportunities. Equestrian activities are very popular there.
Another popular campground is located on the south side of the mountains, above the town of Leeds.
The Santa Clara River comes out of the mountains from the Pine Valley area and Leeds Creek cascades down the south slope. Both streams provide good fishing opportunities, although both flow through canyons overgrown with brush.
In other areas, rough dirt roads probe the canyons and provide access to diverse parts of the forest.
These mountains are steep and rugged. Many spots can be visited only by hiking, backpacking or horse packing into the backcountry. Even with the population of St George booming, it is easy to find solitude in these mountain
#9- Historic Sites
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Below we list some of the most notable historic sites around St George.
St George LDS Temple
Location: 250 East 400 South, St George
Mormon pioneers began building this temple in 1871, soon after arriving in the area. The building was completed and dedicated in 1877, making it the first LDS temple to be completed in Utah. (The famous Salt Lake Temple was started in 1853, but was not completed until 1893).
The temple is a majestic white structure that serves as an important area landmark. Visitors are invited to tour the grounds and view informational displays at an adjacent visitors center, but are not allowed to enter the temple itself.
St George LDS Tabernacle
Location: 18 South Main Street, St George
Built of native red sandstone by struggling pioneers, the tabernacle was dedicated in 1876 and stands as a monument to their faith and determination. Today, the tabernacle is home to church services, daily music recitals, and the weekly Dixie History and Music Series.
Brigham Young Winter Home
Location: 200 North and 100 West, St George
Brigham Young, the Mormon leader, established a winter home in St George, where he enjoyed the area's mild, snow-free winters. The original portion of his home was begun in 1869 and completed in 1871. The front addition-what most would call the main part of the house-was completed in 1873. The home is open for public tours.
Jacob Hamblin Home
Location: Corner of Santa Clara Blvd and Hamblin Drive, Santa Clara
Jacob Hamblin was a prominent Mormon pioneer who became known as a friend to the Native American Indians living in the area. His home, completed in 1863, is two-story adobe, sandstone and ponderosa pine structure and is one of the few remaining examples of early pioneer-era home-building. It is open for public tours.
Ancestor Square
In the heart of downtown St George, historic shops and buildings have been restored in a quaint area called Ancestor Square. The Square features small shops, boutiques and galleries, within easy walking distance other downtown attractions and many motels.
Mountain Meadows Site
Location: Along Hwy 18 about 5 miles south of the community of Enterprise, north of St George.
During the so-called "Utah War," tensions were high between Mormon pioneers and people traveling through the territory. On Sept 11, 1857, for reasons that may never be fully understood, a group of Mormons and local Indians slaughtered members of an immigrant wagon train encamped at Mountain Meadows. A memorial has been created at the site.
Grafton Ghost Town
Grafton is a photogenic, partially preserved ghost town located near Rockville, just outside of Zion National Park. It is located along the Smithsonian Butte scenic backway. The old school is fairly well preserved and is often photographed. The old cemetery is also worth visiting. The town was established in 1859 by pioneers attempting to grow cotton along the Virgin River.
Silver Reef Ghost Town
Rich veins of silver were discovered in the hills north of what is now the town of Leeds, along I-15 about 15 miles NE of St George. A boom occurred in the 1870 and a town sprang up, rapidly becoming the largest community in southern Utah. At its zenith it boasted some 9 stores, 6 saloons, a bank, several restaurant, a hospital, 2 dance halls, 2 newspapers and 3 cemeteries. By 1891 the mines had produced about 25 million dollars worth of ore. But the veins played out quickly and the town went bust.
The old Silver Reef Wells Fargo Express office is on the National Historical Register and is now houses a small museum. Foundations of a few other old buildings can be seen. Tailings from mines can be seen in the surrounding area. New mining efforts are undertaken now and again, and much of the area is closed to exploration. A few dangerous open shafts dot the countryside and so explorers need to use caution.
Pine Valley Church
A unique old chapel can be found in the community of Pine Valley, north of St George. It was built in 1868 by shipbuilder Ebenezer Bryce. Bryce is perhaps best know for the homestead he established next to what is now Bryce Canyon National Park.
Area pioneers wanted a permanent chapel and Bryce was the only person around with building experience. He applied unique techniques as he constructed the chapel, making it somewhat resemble the upside down hull of a ship. Techniques including wrapping the corners of the building with strips of green rawhide that tightened as they dried. When the church was finished, he said, "If a flood should come, it would float and if a wind came strong enough to blow it over, it would still never crash to pieces."
The building is still in use as a chapel.
#10- Bike Trails
Great mountain bike trails can be found in the desert and mountains around St George. Spring and fall are ideal times to ride here. Winter days can be surprisingly mile and many people bike here year-round. Summers are very hot but trails in the nearby high country.
Anasazi Trail
Length: 6.5 miles out and back
Tread: Singletrack
Difficulty: More Difficult
Description: This trail system includes a combination of singletrack and doubletrack along the Santa Clara River, south of the towns of Ivins and Santa Clara. Highlights include a short, rocky semi-technical section, great views of the Santa Clara River gorge, and ancient petroglyph rock art figures carved into the cliffs.
The trail follows the rim above the river. It is open desert country. Snow seldom falls here and the trail can be ridden year-round.
Considerable property development is taking place around the trailheads, so access roads may change over time.
Graveyard Trailhead
The route runs between the Graveyard Trailhead, located south of Santa Clara, and the Anasazi Trailhead, located SW of Ivins. You can begin at either trailhead. You can ride out and back, or arrange a shuttle. Several spur trails can extend the length of the ride.
About 1 mile east of the Anasazi trailhead there are several boulders with petroglyphs carved into the dark stone. Some are right along the trail. They are fairly obvious, but many people ride on by without noticing them. (Rock art is a fragile resource protected by law. Don't touch or vandalize the figures.)
Anasazi Trailhead
This trailhead is located just southwest of Ivins. This ride is in an area know as the Santa Clara River Preserve, established to protect plant and animal life and archaeological resources. Stay on established trails and respect the land.
Green Valley Trail
Trail Map Every city should have a trail like this. Green Valley Trail is one big BMX course loaded with thrills and potential spills on a roller coaster of dirt. It rekindles childhood days of riding, when you rode your purple sting ray with high rise bars at seemingly death-defying speeds through neighborhood sandlots. The trail is located west of the city and can be easily ridden as a loop via paved roads. It's a perfect lunchtime workout or an apres-work wind down.
The six-mile trail begins with a stiff, one-mile climb up the north rim of the Gap, a narrow canyon enclosed by sheer sandstone walls. From the high point, the rusty ramparts of Snow Canyon State Park can be seen floating on the northern skyline, and the flesh-tone towers of Zion National Park rise in the distant east. Between them rises the Pine Valley Mountains, which despite being surrounding by burning desert, collect skiff of snow during the winter. That's all the sightseeing you're allowed because the rest of the ride requires keen attention to negotiate a barrage of white-knuckle stunts. But fear not, you'll find "cheater routes" circumnavigating each.
Upon dropping from the viewpoint above the Gap, you encounter "The Three Fingers of Death," where three rib-like mounds of clay drop abruptly to a sandy wash. Pucker factor increases from left to right, so "choose wisely grasshopper!"
Progressing southward around the west flank of Red Hill, the trail undulates to the brink of "Acid Drops" -- a hallucinating series of roll overs that resemble the successive rapids in Cataract Canyon on the Colorado River. Like on the Colorado, where the turbulent hole that lies leeward of each wave isn't revealed until slipping over the crest, what ill-will that awaits your front tire remains a mystery until you roll over to the edge and drop to the point of no return. Just hang your butt off the back and you should emerge unscathed.
A few rollers later, the trail disappears over "Clavicle Hill." No explanation needed here, other than to mention that it rates high on the "Oh s*#-!" meter. Even intrepid white water rafters scout the most menacing rapids. You should do the same, else stuff your wheel in the sucker hole that hides from view beneath the lip.
With bones and bike intact, hopefully, kick in the afterburners and scream through the "Roller Coaster." This section is two miles of whoop-de-doos and banked turns that keep you giggling the whole way. The trail ends near the ritzy subdivision of Bloomington. Take side streets back to town or hop on the nearby Virgin River Recreation Trail for an idle cruise alongside the life blood of Utah's Dixie
Snow Canyon Paved Loop
Length: 18 miles
Tread: Singletrack
Difficulty: Easy
Description: The loop begins in St George, follows Hwy 18 north to the top of Snow Canyon, glides down through Snow Canyon and then swings back to St George. The paved doubletrack parallels roads along the entire route. This is a popular route, which you will share with hikers, joggers, bikers, roller bladders and others.
Scenery is great along the entire route, but the most spectacular part is within Snow Canyon State Park. For a shorter route, just ride up into Snow Canyon, as far as you want, then return the way you can.
You can also extend the route by riding spur roads and trails with connect to the loop.
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