This Program is established to provide eligible homebuyers with a recoverable no-interest loan for down payment/closing costs. Funding for this program is from a HUD Grant and sponsored by the City of St. George. The Five County Association of Governments, a voluntary association of local governments from the five southwestern counties of the State of Utah, has partnered with the city to administer this loan.
What Is It?
The City Of St. George Down Payment Assistance Program is a federally funded program with a goal to assist eligible buyers with down payment and or/ or loan closing costs by providing up to $10,000 in the form of a non-interest bearing loan payable due when the home is sold or refinanced. The Program is open to owner-occupied housing units within St. George city limits. The maximum home price allowed is $281,537 for detached home and $177,510 for attached townhome/condo.
How Do I Qualify For Assistance?
You must be a first time home buyer (have not owned a home in the past three years.
You must meet household income limits. Have a gross annual income which does not exceed 80% of median income adjusted for a household size. (Income verification will be matched with your prior year income tax return and current paystub for final determination of eligibility.)
The loan will only be available for owner-occupied housing units within St. George City limits, and the home must be the only home owned by the applicants.
You must be at least 18 years of age and a U.S. citizen or a resident, FCAOG will need to make a copy of your Drivers License or Identification Card and your Social Security Card.
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